Registration foreign document

Did you get married or divorced in a foreign country? Or have you given birth in a country outside of The Netherlands? If something like this took place in a foreign country, you have to report this to the municipality in which you are living. We will then add it to the Personal Records Database (BRP).

You have received a document of the event, please take this with you. We will keep the document. You wil need some documents, for instance when you want to get married in The Netherlands. Things you need to report to us are:

  • birth
  • marriage
  • death
  • divorce
  • recognition
  • adoption


Are you handing in a foreign document? This is how it works:

  • Make an appointment.
  • Bring a valid passport or an ID card.
  • Bring the foreign document with you.

Are you collecting a foreign document? This is how it works:

  • Make an appointment.
  • Bring a valid passport or an ID card.
  • Bring proof of surrender of your foreign document with you. This states that you have handed in the foreign document.

Appointment to collect a document (Deze link gaat naar een externe website)


You can register the foreign document for free.